

It's time to caffeinate your business with host Joe F. Clark from Start-Up Smart! On the Cafe today, we have Eddie Reynolds who is a small business loan guru with Wells Fargo. Eddie will be sharing some tips and traps about getting your business funded. He will share what impresses banks and the SBA, as well as what to avoid when presenting your business plan for a loan.

Stay Tuned...

Do you want to improve your sales? I bet you do! Then don't miss the next Cafe Cast with Melani Ward...she will make your life easier!

On the next Cafe Cast, we will have Melani Ward. Melani is a marketing guru, sales copywriter, and I would classify her as a web 2.0 and blogging specialist. She will be a regular guest on the Cafe. On her first visit we'll be discussing the topic of "choosing your target market and creating visibility for start-up business." Next week she'll take us one step further and we'll be discussing "how to find your customers."

Really...she'll improve your sales...don't believe me?? Checkout her website: www.melaniward.com